25 Merrit Parkway
Nashua, NH 03062
Telephone: 603-880-7504
Fill in the form below to tell us about
your experience in our salon!
Now accepting resumes. Please send resumes to [email protected] or drop it off in person.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-8pm
Wednesday 12-8pm, Saturday 9am-3pm
Closed Sunday
Take Exit 5w off of Route 3
Follow Main Dunstable Road (RTE 111A)
for approximately 3 miles, (toward Hollis, NH)
On the Left you will see a Sunoco Gas Station
After the gas station, take your
immediate Left onto Buckmeadow Road
You will see Maplewood Commerce Center
on your Left directly behind the gas station
Take your first left into Maplewood Commerce Center.
Color Trends is located near the end of the building
(behind the gas station and next to Maplewood Pizza)